President’s Message | March 2019

Greetings Mediation Community in New Mexico!!

I trust all your Dispute Resolutions have been interesting and afforded you and your clients to reach resolution that is meaningful and positive.

It’s been a busy 45 days for your Association Board as we wade through issues and opportunities of which I will share with you this month.  In no particular order:

  1.  The website now has the capability to accept Stripe payments seamlessly.  This proved to be much more a tedious task but it is now ready to accept payments through the website.  Check it out as well as the new look of the site if you have not done so!
  2. For over a year, I have committed myself to create an Online member directory.  We have agreed to go forward on the directory and maintain security of our site for our members.  We are beta testing data entry utilizing Board Member profiles as we speak.  We hope to be able to request data from members who wish to be listed on the site page within 30 days.  We have discussed a secure site for our paid members that contains more detail data than what would be found on the “Search for a Mediator” page that the General public searching for a mediator would/could access.  I hope to have more on this within 30 days – our goal is to ask for the specific data to be include on the public page first.
  3. Board Meetings are being held face to face in Albuquerque for 2019.  In 2018 we tried to hold monthly Conference Call/Video calls and struggled to reach quorum numbers to vote and make decisions.  Since Maggie Reynolds and I are the “Outside Albuquerque” board members we decided – we will go to ABQ and meet face to face.  I hope you will join us at these board meetings.  Our next Board Meeting is scheduled May 9 at 6:00 p.m. at Mimi’s on the I-25 South frontage road.  JOIN US!!!
  4. Open Board Seat – We currently have an Open board seat and a Vice President seat on the Board.  The board has asked that if anyone of the general membership has an interest in the Open seat(s) and is willing to serve until the next general election, please email or call ElenaMaria Hernandez at 505.688.2046 or  Board members must be willing to attend all board meetings and be willing to chair a committee to continue to promote the association goals and objectives.  Please let ElenaMaria know, the board would then like to schedule an interview before deciding.
  5. Board and Officers Liability Insurance was discussed at the annual meeting.  It has been researched and decided that we will not purchase this as cost and  recommendations by insurers are that this is not needed given the low annual income and liability risk to this association board in New Mexico.
  6. In the course of regular audit and review of the organization Policy, Procedures and Financial instruments it was learned that the Association had not submitted the proper Federal Income tax forms to IRS since 2009 and our 501(c) 6 nonprofit standing had been revoked since 2009.  No panic necessary, I have been working with a Pro-Bono Attorney specializing in this area and a CPA spouse (it’s great to have friends in low places!) to correct this deficiency and share with the board what will be submitted to the IRS to regain the status for final board submission approval.

This is YOUR Association as well as mine; I hope you will continue to support us as we continue to move forward to create a vibrant, active, informed and committed association. 

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please let me know.

All the Best and until next time ……..